Saturday, 30 May 2009

Stunning day on the Katharo

Rosemary John and I joined Steve Lenton for a day botanizing on the Katharo Plateau. It was absolutely wonderful. I have never seen the Katharo looking more beautiful. Everywhere was clothed with stunning flowers - gladiolus, poppies, daisies and the wonderful purple fumitory. Amongst all this abundance, we found a few very special flowers - thanks to Steve, whose knowledge of the area is amazing. There will be more news on Steve's and our 'finds' on the Flowers of Crete website in due course. In the meantime, enjoy this image.


  1. Hello Julia, Just got back from a gorgeous day up on Katharo, itn't it lovely?
    Nice to see you 'out and about' in blogland.Very friendly lot, I think you'll find!!

  2. Hi Jude, Katharo is the most beautiful we have seen it at the moment. Just perfect. Saw Geoff up their with the jeep safari. We also met up with a group of botanists from around the world who attending a conference in Hania. The leader of the group was a professor from Germany who I met when Nick Turland was here. I had no idea he was here! Small world isn't it?
